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Meet Your #ChooseIndependent
Financial Adviser Representative

丁翊洵 / Isabelle Ding

Financial Advisory Manager

About 丁翊洵 / Isabelle Ding

“对我来说,‘成为’不是单纯地到达某个目的地或者实现某个目标。我更把它看作是一种不断前进的成长方式,一种持续追求更好自我的过程。这段旅程没有终点。”   - 米歇尔 奥巴马 《成为》

“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.”  - Michelle Obama <Becoming>   


关于我 About Me

  • 来自中国苏州 / From Suzhou, China
  • 鑫盟理财独立理财顾问, 2023至今/ Financial Advisory Manager, Financial Alliance Pte Ltd, 2023-present
  • 新加坡友邦保险财务服务顾问, 2013-2023/ Financial Services Consultant, AIA Singapore, 2013-2023
  • 注册国际金融理财师, 2023 / Certified Financial Planner, 2023
  • 英国商科硕士学位, 2003/ MA International Business, UK, 2003
  • 苏州大学国际贸易学士学位, 2002 / Bachelor Degree in International Trade, Soochow University, Suzhou China 2002
  • 曾经就职公司, 2002-2012:Metro Singapore <- Woleco Hotel Supplies Singapore <- 宝时得(科技)中国苏州 <- 中国银行苏州园区支行 <- 巴黎欧莱雅苏州园区 / Once worked at, 2002-2012:  Metro Singapore <- Woleco Hotel Supplies Singapore <- POSITEC Technology China Suzhou <- Bank of China Suzhou <- LOREAL Suzhou



LOOKING BACK at over 20 years of my work experience, each phase has been incredibly valuable and shaped who I am today. The insurance and financial planning industry is the one I’ve worked in the longest. During my ten years at AIA Singapore, I struggled through the first three years as a newcomer, facing countless rejections during cold calls and roadshows, with sweat and tears. My perseverance earned the trust and support of my clients. Every signed document represents a long-term commitment, motivating me to keep moving forward.


IN APRIL 2023, I obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification, and in December, I left AIA Singapore to join Financial Alliance, Singapore’s largest independent financial advisory firm, becoming an independent financial advisor representative. This decision was driven by my desire to use my decade of experience to help more people on a larger platform. An independent financial advisory firm offers a broader range of insurance and investment partnerships, allowing me to provide more neutral and comprehensive financial planning solutions, aligning with my long-term career vision. I understand that the path of an independent financial advisor requires more effort initially, and I am ready to embrace this challenge and strive for it for a lifetime.


AS A CAREER WOMAN AND ALSO A MOTHER OF TWO CHILDREN, I understand that every woman’s “superpower” comes from wholehearted dedication to both her work and her family. I specially hope to provide my greatest help and support to career woman and mothers, and to share the unique joys and sorrows of lives with each others. I also hope that through my decade of practical experience in financial planning, I can help career woman and mothers achieve their personal and family financial goals. Financial goals are not about their size but about starting and enjoying this healthy and joyful financial planning journey as early as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

For “INDEPENDENT” Financial Advisory firms such as Financial Alliance, its financial advice must be free from the undue influence of higher remuneration and/or meeting sales quotas. In other words, financial advice from Financial Alliance is given solely in clients’ interests.

A financial advisory (FA) firm wishing to use the word “INDEPENDENT” – as Financial Alliance does – must fulfill the conditions laid down by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) at all times.

No, the mere fact that a FA Firm can sell the products from more than one insurer or business partner does not mean that the FA Firm is “independent”.

In Singapore, only a handful are “Independent Financial Advisory Firms” because only a few are able to ensure that the financial advice given is free from the undue financial influence.

As there is no such thing as an “Independent Financial Adviser” license in Singapore, IFA Firms are, in essence, “Financial Adviser” license holders who offer financial advice while being free from undue influence.

We have your best interest at heart and will leave you to make your decision. We only ask that, when you deal with a FA Firm, you find out for yourself if it is truly an IFA Firm or a FA Firm.

If impartial financial advice is what you seek, then you should only engage an IFA Firm.

At Financial Alliance, we are dedicated to offering our clients independent financial advice. Please feel free to contact us at to find out how our independent financial advice would benefit you.