AIA Centurion PA

Enjoy the peace of mind from protection can bring - especially during your golden years.


Comprehensive Protection for Physical and Mental Health


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Meet Your #ChooseIndependent
Financial Adviser Representative

Wang Hongna Anna

Senior Financial Consultant(CFP®)

About Wang Hongna Anna

您好,我是洪娜Hongna,是新加坡最大独立理财顾问公司Financial Alliance鑫盟理财的资深理财顾问,拥有6年+的行业经验。




从开始的AIA单一保险公司转换到现在的独立理财顾问公司,始终保持以客户为中心,中立,客观的为客户进行财务规划。在基本医疗保险申请索赔和教育,养老规划上有经验。 希望成为您家庭财务的急救工具箱,事先准备好工具(规划方案),并在需要的时候能够快速地,正确地使用工具。


  • 风险管理(医疗保险和人寿保险)
  • 财富保障规划,保险规划以及年检
  • 教育养老规划,投资规划以及年检
  • 传承规划(CPF提名,LPA, 遗嘱等)


CFP®️ Certified Financial Planner

Hello, I am Hongna, a senior financial advisor at Financial Alliance, the largest IFA firm in Singapore, with over 6 years of industry experience.

Specialized in offering comprehensive financial protection services for professionals and families, dedicated to helping clients build secure insurance systems and financial plans for themselves and their loved ones. My goal is to become a trusted financial advisor, especially for Chinese individuals and new immigrants in Singapore.

Focus on providing services:

  • Risk Management(Health Insurance & Life Insurance)
  • Insurance portfolio Planning & Review
  • Investment Portfolio Planning & Review
  • Education and Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning (CPF Nomination, LPA, WILL)

Feel free to connect with me; I look forward to being your trusted partner in financial protection and planning.



Frequently Asked Questions

For “INDEPENDENT” Financial Advisory firms such as Financial Alliance, its financial advice must be free from the undue influence of higher remuneration and/or meeting sales quotas. In other words, financial advice from Financial Alliance is given solely in clients’ interests.

A financial advisory (FA) firm wishing to use the word “INDEPENDENT” – as Financial Alliance does – must fulfill the conditions laid down by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) at all times.

No, the mere fact that a FA Firm can sell the products from more than one insurer or business partner does not mean that the FA Firm is “independent”.

In Singapore, only a handful are “Independent Financial Advisory Firms” because only a few are able to ensure that the financial advice given is free from the undue financial influence.

As there is no such thing as an “Independent Financial Adviser” license in Singapore, IFA Firms are, in essence, “Financial Adviser” license holders who offer financial advice while being free from undue influence.

We have your best interest at heart and will leave you to make your decision. We only ask that, when you deal with a FA Firm, you find out for yourself if it is truly an IFA Firm or a FA Firm.

If impartial financial advice is what you seek, then you should only engage an IFA Firm.

At Financial Alliance, we are dedicated to offering our clients independent financial advice. Please feel free to contact us at to find out how our independent financial advice would benefit you.