Secure Your Future: Close Your Insurance Protection Gap Today

Are you adequately protected against life’s uncertainties?

Did You Know?

Singaporeans Face a $952 Billion Protection Gap

The latest Protection Gap Study 2022 by the Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA) revealed that there remains a 21% mortality protection gap and a staggering 74% critical illness (CI) protection gap among economically active individuals in Singapore1.

$373 billion In total mortality protection gap
$579 billion In total critical illness protection gap


Why You Need to Act Now

  • Life Expectancy is Rising: Singaporeans are living longer, but extended lifespans mean more years of health-related expenses. Have you factored this into your current coverage? Not doing so could erode years of savings and derail even the most carefully laid retirement plans.

  • Critical Illnesses are Expensive: Did you know that on average, patients struck with a critical illness take around 3 to 5 years to recover and return to being economically productive? This leaves many families under-prepared for long recovery periods and lead to degradation in standard of living.

  • Peace of Mind for You and Your Loved Ones: Ensuring you are fully protected with life and critical illness insurance isn’t just about safeguarding yourself—it’s about giving your family financial security if the unexpected happens.

What Are the Essential Insurance Coverage Recommended for Working Adults?

According to the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Basic Financial Planning Guide2, here are the basic rules of thumb for protection that you can consider.

Term Life Insurance

  • Provides financial support to your loved ones in case of premature death, helping them cover ongoing lifestyle expenses.
  • The coverage amount recommended is at least 9 times your annual income.

Critical Illness Insurance

  • Covers major medical costs and offers a lump sum payout to ease the financial burden of long-term recovery.
  • The coverage amount recommended is at least 4 times your annual income.

For example, someone with the median monthly income of $5,197 should be covered for death & total permanent disability to the tune of at least $561,276. This person should also be insured against critical illness for at least $249,456.

Take Control of Your Future Today

To help you bridge your protection gap, Financial Alliance has partnered with our insurance partners to offer exclusive insurance bundles designed for young adults like you.

Our comprehensive solutions include both Life Insurance and Critical Illness Protection, offering you the best of both worlds.

For a limited time, these bundles come with attractive discounts, cashback rewards and other perks for customers. Terms and conditions apply.

Schedule a Consultation


[1] Source: Protection Gap Study 2022 by Life Insurance Association of Singapore

[2] Source: Basic Financial Planning Guide by the Monetary Authority of Singapore

Note: Insurance plays an important role in your financial planning, and buying an insurance product is a long-term commitment. You should seek financial advice from your trusted financial adviser representative before purchasing any policies.

Frequently Asked Questions on Term Life Insurance

Term insurance is life insurance that provides insurance coverage only for a fixed period of time. An example of term insurance is the Dependants' Protection Scheme.

Riders can be attached to enhance the benefits provided by the policy. As this may vary from product to product, check with your insurance company for more details.

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Meet Your #ChooseIndependent
Financial Adviser Representative

Li Wenjun Olivia 李文君

Financial Advisory Manager

About Li Wenjun Olivia 李文君

非常荣幸,您来到我的个人网页。我是Olivia 李文君。2008年来到新加坡做为一个全额奖学金的学生,在新加坡最大公立医院ICU工作7年后,转行理财行业。入行之后我不断的去提升自己,结合自己的医疗背景,为客户转移潜在风险,精准配置。并且帮助客户做财务增值规划,让未来不确定的人生中有一份安心。非常尽心尽力的去服务我的每一位客户,不论您是刚毕业的年轻人,还是身价上亿的老总。希望我可以成为您在新加坡理财规划中的一个值得信赖的资源人士,为您货比三家,优中选优,在超过150家金融合作伙伴的产品中,配置最适合您的理财规划方案。


#ChooseIndependent with Li Wenjun Olivia 李文君

An in-depth insurance portfolio review with Li Wenjun Olivia 李文君 could save you money as you spend less for the same coverage, or allow you to be better protected without spending a cent more.