Singlife Digital Saver II

Save for your future, anytime, anywhere, with Singlife Digital Saver II – a digital endowment plan designed to help you grow your wealth with ease and certainty.


Key Features & Benefits


1. The guaranteed yield of 2.6% p.a. upon maturity is based on the Life Assured surviving until the end of the policy term with no surrender or claims made during the entire policy term.

2. Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) is a voluntary scheme aimed at incentivising Singapore income tax residents to save and invest for their retirement. Learn More.

Ready to Secure Your Future?

Start growing your wealth today with Singlife Digital Saver II. Watch your savings grow with guaranteed returns.

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Meet Your #ChooseIndependent
Financial Adviser Representative

Lim Kian Chye Sean

Financial Advisory Director

About Lim Kian Chye Sean

I have 20 years of experience in financial advisory. Currently, I lead a team of financial advisory representatives. Together, we manage about $75m of clients’​ assets and have an average experience of 10 years.

I have been featured in local magazines, Today, Straits Times, Radio 93.8 and Channel U and have published two books “Happiness Within Your Reach and “Even Introverts Can Sell”. I am passionate about financial freedom, mental health and going green.