Save for your future, anytime, anywhere, with Singlife Digital Saver II – a digital endowment plan designed to help you grow your wealth with ease and certainty.
1. The guaranteed yield of 2.6% p.a. upon maturity is based on the Life Assured surviving until the end of the policy term with no surrender or claims made during the entire policy term.
2. Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) is a voluntary scheme aimed at incentivising Singapore income tax residents to save and invest for their retirement. Learn More.
Start growing your wealth today with Singlife Digital Saver II. Watch your savings grow with guaranteed returns.
Buy Now理财团队高级总监;
个人业绩纪录保持者(Top producer), 团队业绩冠军(Top Leader),团队业绩纪录保持者;领跑者;
洛奇财富团队的使命宣言(RockWealth group mission statement):
在新加坡和大中华地区, 打造高度称职理财顾问,服务高度赏识客户群体,建立高度互利朝阳事业.
RockWealth Group Makes Your Wealth Robust.
我的愿景是让您财务更健康、人生更丰盛。My vision is to make life great again with financial fitness.
我的使命是帮助客户建立正确的理财观和方法论,实现财富健康。My mission is to help people build up correct financial and investment mindset, find the right way to grow wealth to achieve financially FIT.
在新加坡最大的IFA公司financial alliance做理财高级总监,擅长大额保单实操、保险规划、退休规划、基金投资建议、遗嘱和家族信托安排、家族办公室、传承规划、高净值私人财富管理等,真正以客户为中心的专业中立一站式全面综合理财规划服务.
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助理微信: RockyPA001